Internet Radio based on LilyGO T-Display S3 Touch

Creating a unique internet radio station that blends cutting-edge technology with musical fun sounds cool! I can't help but marvel at how bright these engineers are, Sometimes life is boring, but the lovely engineers always have some exciting ideas to surprise me, Today's share comes from the mysterious engineer Ariel!

PS: After a few days, Ariel has updated "Internet Radio" with another product!

"This version of the internet radio has a SPDIF  high-quality sound output port so it can be connected to an external DAC for high-quality sound reproduction. "

[Internet Radio based on ESP32 with Touch Screen]


Internet Radio based on LilyGO T-Display S3 Touch

Have you ever wished to blend your passion for technology and music? A journey into the world of DIY projects led me to create something extraordinary: an Internet radio player powered by the remarkable LilyGO T-Display S3 Touch. In this article, I'll walk you through my journey of crafting this unique project that brings the joy of Internet radio right at your fingertips.

Embarking on a Journey

The LilyGO T-Display S3 Touch caught my attention with its color touchscreen display and ESP32 microcontroller under the hood. Eager to explore its potential, I embarked on a journey to create an Internet radio player that could stream music and provide a rich visual experience.

The Vision: A Smart Internet Radio

The concept was simple yet intriguing. I envisioned a device that could seamlessly connect to the world of Internet radio. With the LilyGO T-Display S3 Touch, I aimed to craft a smart radio that could display station information, let users explore stations around the world, and allow easy control over volume.

Unveiling the Features

Color Touchscreen Display: The centerpiece of my project was the vivid color touchscreen. Its touch capabilities provided an intuitive way for users to interact with the radio, making station selection and control effortless.

Web Server for Management: Beyond just streaming music, I wanted to make managing radio stations convenient. So, I integrated a web server with which users can access the radio's web interface from any device on the same network and easily update the list of stations.

Intelligent Streaming: By tapping the radio station, my radio can fetch the latest station data. Users can explore a diverse array of stations and enjoy uninterrupted streaming without any cumbersome manual configurations.

Building the Experience

Harmonizing Hardware: I meticulously assembled the LilyGO T-Display S3 Touch, ensuring that the connections were solid and aligned with the manufacturer's guidelines.

Elevating the User Interface: My goal was to create an interface that's both user-friendly and visually appealing. I harnessed the power of the touchscreen to allow users to scroll through stations and tap to select.

Under the Hood: The ESP32 microcontroller played a crucial role. With its Wi-Fi capabilities, it enabled my radio to connect to the internet and fetch real-time station data.

Streaming Magic: When a user selects a station, the ESP32 works its magic to establish a seamless streaming connection to the chosen station's online stream. It's all about delivering the music without any glitches.

The Joy of Success

As I powered on my creation, I felt a rush of excitement. The vibrant touchscreen displayed a list of stations, and a simple tap transported me to a world of music. With volume controls at my fingertips and the convenience of managing stations via the web interface, my LilyGO Internet radio had truly come to life.


Inspiration and Beyond

My journey with the LilyGO T-Display S3 Touch led me to create a unique Internet radio that blends cutting-edge technology with the joy of music. I hope my project inspires you to dive into your own creative endeavors and explore the possibilities that the world of DIY projects holds. If you're eager to delve into the nitty-gritty details, I've documented the entire process along with code snippets, diagrams, and step-by-step instructions in my GitHub repository: ESP32-Radio-Internet. You see the visual end product on my YouTube channel: Ariel



Thanks Ariel for sharing, we look forward to your next masterpiece!


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Great project! I searched but couldn’t find your GitHub repository with the string you provided. Kindly give the full URL, Ariel.
Also: how compatible would this be with the LilyGo T-Deck?

Harry Saal

Nice project, but the github contains no source code currently – neither for the firmware nor the 3D print. Only providing .bin files is not very useful (and from a security point of view its like running a random exe on your PC…)

If you want to really look good and help others, you have to show the internals…

Brian Wyld

It is a real shame that there are no code nor wiring nor stl for this project, I thought that sharing applications on GitHub also meant providing to source code to users so they can learn from the provided projects. Sharing only binary files seems, to me, just to show off: “look what I have done ! but I won’t tell you how I did it”


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